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skirmirДата: Воскресенье, 15.07.2007, 16:02 | Сообщение # 121
Сумеречный Бард
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У кого есть книги Д&Д могут найти Невидимый Клинок в "Complete Warrior" на странице 44 , Владыку Бурь в книгах "Complete Divine" на 65 странице и "Faiths and Pantheons" на 203 странице. В книгах на английском smile , переводы будут отличатся.
Посмотрите каталог сайтов , там есть ссылка на сайт где можно найти переводы и материалы на английском.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
OranjДата: Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 00:06 | Сообщение # 122
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Перевод ответов Обсидиана не готов, придется подождать с новостями sad

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[CY]CLONEДата: Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 00:16 | Сообщение # 123
Elven Sorcerer
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если что, завтра я выложу.
на пост ниже:
а что с ним? Да и мой перевод довольно топорен со множеством неточностей из-за незнания.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Сообщение отредактировал [CY]CLONE - Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 00:20
OranjДата: Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 00:19 | Сообщение # 124
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[CY]CLONE, спасибо. Андарил снова пропал, а мой перевод будет слишком топорный.

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Травиан - браузерная игра
[CY]CLONEДата: Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 14:22 | Сообщение # 125
Elven Sorcerer
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никогдане ориенторивался в этом... ужос... полтекста непереведена... переведите, кто может потолковее часть связанную с тулсетом.

Привет, парни. К сожалению, моим ответом на множество вопросов будет слово «нет». Это не доставляет мне удовольствия, но это будет лучшим решением, чем простое сокрытие правды. Нам очень хотелось претворить в жизнь все ваши пожелания, и сделать даже немного более. Мы сделали все, что могли, чтобы выполнить самые горячие ваши пожелания и если где-то мы не удовлетворили чью-то просьбу, то это не потому, что мы считаем ее неправильной или не имеющей значения, но только потому, что потребовалось бы привлечь такое количество ресурсов, что игра бы не стоила свеч.
Как всегда, благодарю вас за ваше терпение, и знайте, что мы слышим вас и делаем все, что в наших силах.

Спешу заметить, что мои ответы на вопросы основаны на том, что мы ожидаем сделать к выходу первого дополнения к игре. Детали последующих изменений будут определены позже. – Кевин.

Вопрос (В): Можете ли вы поподробнее объяснить изменения, сделанные в системе крафта? Появится ли, наконец, возможность крафтить из свитков (неточный перевод)? Смогут ли Чернокнижники создавать/зачаровывать свитки?

Obsidian(О): Наша работа над крафтингом в первую очередь основана на колдовстве. Теперь вы сможете добавить магическое свойство любому предмету вашего инвентаря (именно снаряжаемые предметы). Вы сможете зачаровывать предметы, ставя их на контейнер, который вы несете с собой, т. е. вам больше не понадобится искать специальный стол. В общем, система стала более гибкой.

Мы также надеемся включить крафт при помощи свитков.

Варлоки смогут зачаровывать предметы, используя новые рецепты из аддона, кроме того, вы сможете создавать новые рецепты, которые будут использовать возможности варлока.

В: Что будет сделано в тулсете для большего удобства и простоты использования по сравнению с современным состоянием?

О: было исправлено множество мелких ошибок и добавлено множество маленьких улучшений и новых возможностей. Для примера вы теперь можете посмотреть в содержании локации (Area contents section), какие существа и предметы содержат выпадаемое сокровище(лут одним словом wink ). Также мы добавили возможность отмены изменений поверхности.

Мы старались сделать тулсет наиболее дружественным к новичкам, но это дело не одной модификации.

В: Хотелось бы узнать какая работа была проведена(если была проведена) по улучшению взаимодействия Walkmesh’ей с окружающей средой?

О: Нет. Ничего к настоящему времени.

В: Будет ли создан генератор скриптов, подобный ScriptEase илиLilac Souls Script Generator для НВН1?

О: К сожалению, нет.

В: можно ли будет иметь более 4 классов? И смогу ли я давать NPC столько уровней и классов, сколько я захочу?

О: Нет, мы подумывали над возможностью расширения до 5 классов, но это бы вылилось в большую переделку, которая была бы не самым эффективной тратой рабочего времени.
Shane K. DeFreest
Maverick Public Relations
Neverwinter Nights 2 Community Manager

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Сообщение отредактировал [CY]CLONE - Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 14:23
OranjДата: Понедельник, 16.07.2007, 22:28 | Сообщение # 126
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[CY]CLONE, спасибо! smile

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skirmirДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 09:47 | Сообщение # 127
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
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Еще одно видео здесь. Не маячит перед экраном разработчик и больше говорят о самой игре. Много конечно не узнаем , но новых тварюшек видно хорошо. Да и Генаси покажут.
Видео получше. wink

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.

Сообщение отредактировал skirmir - Вторник, 17.07.2007, 09:58
skirmirДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 10:38 | Сообщение # 128
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
Статус: Offline
Немного о способностях генаси:

Earth: +2 Str/Con, -2 Wis/Cha. Once per day an earth genasi can call upon his elemental nature to imbue his skin as hard as stone, gaining damage reduction 5/adamantine. The effect lasts for 5 rounds or until it has absorbed 20 points of damage, whichever comes first.

Air: +2 Int/Dex, -2 Wis/Cha. Once per day an air genasi can call upon his elemental nature and summon a powerful blast of wind which can knock over foes who fail a Fortitude save as well as disperse any harmful cloud effects in his path.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
LatissДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 14:29 | Сообщение # 129
Группа: Гражданин
Сообщений: 49
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Значит в аддоне появятся генаси, или я что-то пропустил? И только воздушные и земляные?

"Сон или, как изменить атомную структуру души через Метафизические чары без использования Архимагии, с небольшой частью нейронов"
OranjДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 14:43 | Сообщение # 130
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Почитай новости, предыдущую страницу

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Травиан - браузерная игра
skirmirДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 15:13 | Сообщение # 131
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
Статус: Offline
Latiss, wink потому и писал "Немного о способностях генаси" что это не все способности и не всех генаси.
Кто смотрел видео , как вам огненный Генаси? Спорю посла аддона большая половина будет играть генаси , в том числе и в онлайне. Земной Генаси вообще мечта милишника - плюсы к здоровью и силе , да еще урезанный стоунскин как расовая способность.

Мульти-классы останутся ограниченны четырьмя классами.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.

Сообщение отредактировал skirmir - Вторник, 17.07.2007, 21:38
[CY]CLONEДата: Вторник, 17.07.2007, 21:41 | Сообщение # 132
Elven Sorcerer
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 106
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подрасы человека для первого нвн. По мне так это аналоги(с натяжкой) Дженази во втором

Sic transit gloria mundi.
skirmirДата: Среда, 25.07.2007, 11:00 | Сообщение # 133
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
Статус: Offline
shades Умолкли что-то все...

One of the bigger PC role-playing titles of the year is Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer, which is actually an expansion pack to last year's hit fantasy role-playing game. Mask of the Betrayer will continue the story that began in Neverwinter Nights 2, and you can expect many high-level adventures because you have the option of carrying over an existing Neverwinter Nights 2 character or creating a new, high-level character in the expansion. You can also experiment with new races, new character classes, and more. For more information on Mask of the Betrayer, we turned to Feargus Urquhart, CEO of developer Obsidian Entertainment. The expansion is due to ship later this year.

GameSpot: We briefly touched on the story in our last Q&A and learned that it's a continuation of the Neverwinter Nights 2 plot. It's also a more personal story. We're peeling back the onion here, so what more can you tell us about the plot?

Feargus Urquhart: I think you've gotten to the heart of the story pretty closely. Mask of the Betrayer is a much more personal story than the original NWN2. The entirety of the story is about your survival and what you choose to do to survive. So, instead of it being about saving the Forgotten Realms--again--it comes down to what you will do to save yourself.

The story is more of a continuation of your character then it is of the NWN2 storyline. We tie up many loose ends from NWN2, but the things you are doing aren't directly related to the events of the original campaign.

GS: We also learned that we'll get some new companions that will be better developed than the NWN2 companions. Can you reveal any of them at this point? Who are they, and what do they do?

FU: Kaelyn the Dove is a half-celestial cleric of Ilmater. She once worshipped Kelemvor, the current god of the dead but, for reasons you may uncover, she fell out of favor with her god in a rather dramatic fashion.

As far as the companions being more fully developed goes, Kaelyn, who is completely optional, has more than twice as many lines of dialogue as the most developed companion from NWN2.

GS: What was some of the feedback that you got for the single-player campaign of NWN2, and are you adjusting the expansion in any way in response to that?

FU: A lot of the feedback we got about the single-player campaign came down to one of two things: How we implemented the D&D rules and the satisfaction that one got from the ending of the game. We're continually working on the game based on comments we get from people about how we've implemented the rules.

We also often pose questions to the community as to what they would like to see. As we get that feedback from them and from our own continual play of the game, we are adding in changes to update both NWN2 and the expansion. As for the ending, we want everyone to feel a sense of closure with the ending of Mask of the Betrayer--in a good way. We don't want them to have too many questions. So, we've already designed and implemented the ending of the expansion and have started to play through it. Based upon those play-throughs, we are going to make sure it's the ending that everyone would like to see for how they approached the rest of the game. There are, of course, multiple endings, and we're working hard to make each conclusion satisfying.

GS: We understand that you've made some artificial intelligence improvements in the patches, but the mod-making community has really made huge strides in improving the performance of your party members in the game. How do you balance what the mod-making community is coming up with in terms of general improvements to what Obsidian is doing?

FU: We have really tried to take a pragmatic approach to the whole thing. We break down things into three buckets: Features that only we can do, features the community has already put together, and features that the community could do. We then try to split our efforts between implementing things that only we can create, adding in features that let the community do more, and using things the community has already created.

We'd love to just take everything that has been made by the community, but we have to make sure that it works under every situation and doesn't somehow make the main campaign unplayable. With a game as complicated as NWN2, it often doesn't take much to confuse things and break a cutscene or combat that worked perfectly before. We did thoroughly test the AI improvements created by community members "evenflw" and incorporated them into one of the NWN2 updates. We've also incorporated "Zarathustra's" walkmesh helpers and "rpgplayer1's" spell fixes.

Mask of the Betrayer's lead programmer, Rich Taylor, keeps the Neverwinter channel of IRC open all the time and talks with the leaders of the community daily to see how they are doing. He is backed up by Rob McGinnis, who spends time in the IRC channels and the rest of his day up in the NWN forums. In the end, the balance is a hard one that we try to make easier by constantly communicating both internally here at Obsidian, and externally with the community.

GS: One of the interesting things about NWN2's story is the way you could follow alternate paths through large sections of the game. For instance, you could be a Neverwinter guard or a thief. Will we see any kind of comparable story branching in the expansion?

FU: We've taken a somewhat different approach in Mask of the Betrayer in that we've applied that idea to the whole game, but not differentiated it so clearly. The core focus of what is happening to you in the game can really be affected by how you choose to deal with it. That in turn changes how the game reacts to you as you continue playing, and ultimately how the game ends. But at any time you can choose to alter what course you're on. This isn't so clearly a "good versus evil" decision, though alignment is involved in some ways.

GS: Obsidian revealed that the Red Wizard of Thay is one of the new prestige classes in the game. Can you reveal any of the prestige classes or the two new base classes? What are some of the abilities of the Red Wizard of Thay prestige class?

FU: One of the new classes that we've put in the expansion is the favored soul. It is an interesting class that is somewhat like a sorcerer, but one who can cast divine spells like a cleric. That is, favored souls don't need to memorize specific spells and can cast any spell they know. This is balanced by the more limited spells they do know, compared to a cleric who has access to every spell available to clerics of their level. The favored soul also gets a free weapon-proficiency feat in his or her deity's favorite weapon, which is then upgraded to weapon focus and eventually weapon specialization at later levels.

The Red Wizard of Thay's implementation is fairly faithful to the D&D version--basically they are ultra-specialists, becoming even more powerful with their chosen school of magic.

GS: There are new races and character classes, but let's cover new items, equipment, and spells. What are the highlights in the expansion; anything particularly high-level and awesome?

FU: New items include, as you might have guessed, a variety of masks. There are extremely powerful artifacts you can unearth, but you'll have to be clever to get some of them. One of the epic spells can turn all of your enemies into chickens.

GS: Finally, do you have anything you'd like to say about Mask of the Betrayer?

FU: Of course I'm biased, but I'm really happy with what the team has been able to do with Mask of the Betrayer. In a lot of ways, I feel like players are not just getting an expansion pack, but a whole new game in the world of NWN2. Plus, I think it's awesome that many of the changes that we've made and new things we've added are available to anyone who wants to either play the original NWN2 for the first time or play it again.

GS: Thank you.


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Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
skirmirДата: Среда, 25.07.2007, 11:04 | Сообщение # 134
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This fall, most likely late September or early October, Obsidian Entertainment will release the first official expansion for Neverwinter Nights 2. Mask of the Betrayer promises to add a lot of new goodies to the base game as well as a full length campaign. We had a chat with Kevin Saunders, Producer and Lead Designer of the add-on, to get the dirt on what fans can expect from this newest chapter of the Neverwinter Nights 2 saga.

Before getting into the meat of the game, is there a minimum level recommendation for characters before tackling the expansion? Will it automatically level up charaters who aren't high enough?

Mask of the Betrayer will level you up to 18 (assuming you're not playing a level adjustment race) if you're not there already. And if you make a new character, you'll be at level 18, too. So no need to worry about it.

What is the maximum level that a character will be able to achieve? Is there a cap?

Mask of the Betrayer supports up to level 30, though you might well finish the campaign slightly below that.

Mask of the Betrayer adds new races and sub races to the mix. Can you go over some of what we can expect to see?

We're adding six sub-races, which include the four genasi types. We've also added two base classes and five prestige classes. I'm most excited about the Spirit Shaman and Red Wizard of Thay because of how they fit into the game's story and setting.

How pivotal will the Influence system be in the expansion? Have you made any changes to it?

I think we've made some major improvements to the Influence system. First, now your companions (and you, perhaps) will gain game play benefits for having high influence. Second, if Influence goes low enough, the companions will behave more realistically and actually leave you. Also, we've spent a lot of energy on polishing how Influence works with the companions. For example, increases and losses will feel more natural and appropriate to the characters' personalities and goals. Except for the very beginning of the game, none of the companions are required and players who don't like them can adventure alone if they wish. So if you don't like dealing with Influence, it's entirely optional. Of course, if you're into the story, you'll find the companions add a lot of depth.

The mod community plays such a pivitol role in the game's success. Will the expansion add anything new for modders to play with?

We've made countless minor improvements to aid both ourselves and the community in making content faster. One of the major improvements is tile set swapping. You could make your own variation of the cave textures, for example, and then instantly change a cave area to use your new textures. We created some of the areas in Mask of the Betrayer in this way. Other big improvements include Terrain Undo and a new Creature Appearance Wizard.

Will any user created content been included in the expansion?

We have included many community improvements into updates for NWN2: spell fixes by rpgplayer1, AI improvements by evenflw, and walkmesh helpers by Zarathustra. It's very challenging to include content (quests, NPCs, etc.) written by the community. This is because we want the game to have a consistent feel and for everything to work well together. Achieving this consistency is challenging enough with several designers working in the same office together and is much more difficult to obtain when trying to incorporate community ideas.

Mask of the Betrayer has a brand new campaign; how long will it take most players to get through it all?

We originally targeted 15-20 hours of gameplay as we wanted to create a very polished game and felt that quality was more important than quantity. However, recently one of our own designers played through the whole game in just under 30 hours, so I think we've created a lot more content than we realized. So it's somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the size of the original game.

The original game suffered a bit due to some frustrating bugs upon release. How much effort is being put into making the expansion as bug free as possible?

We achieved our first play through of the entire game back in early June, which means that since then we've just been polishing. We've had the time to fix a lot of minor bugs from Neverwinter Nights 2. We're not really touching the original campaign (from NWN2), but we have solved many game play issues. Also, we've spent a lot of time since NWN2 launched in optimizing the game so performance has improved.

What new feature above all do you believe that fans of the series will love the most?

Without a doubt, Mask of the Betrayer has the strongest storyline and characters yet in a Neverwinter Nights game. That's not to say previous NWN stories and characters haven't been great, just that I feel we've really outdone ourselves this time. (And it's not my story or characters - the credit goes to our creative lead, George Ziets, our module designers Jeff Husges, Eric Fenstermaker, and Tony Evans, and our companion writers Matt MacLean and Chris Avellone.)

Thank you for your time, Kevin.

My pleasure!

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Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
skirmirДата: Среда, 25.07.2007, 11:11 | Сообщение # 135
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
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Новые скрины и арты!

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.

Сообщение отредактировал skirmir - Среда, 25.07.2007, 11:12

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