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NardДата: Четверг, 20.12.2007, 15:28 | Сообщение # 46
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на нвваулт появился хотфикс для патча 1.11
OranjДата: Четверг, 20.12.2007, 20:06 | Сообщение # 47
Группа: Создатель мира
Сообщений: 507
Статус: Offline
Nard, спасибо, но МакГинис советует не ставить smile
Вобщем лучше подождать либо 1.12, либо когда хотфикс станет доступен через апдейтер.

P.S. в хотфиксе описания скиллов отображаются, бета-спеллы убраны

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Травиан - браузерная игра
skirmirДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 12:54 | Сообщение # 48
Сумеречный Бард
Группа: Магистр
Сообщений: 595
Статус: Offline
Player Resource Consortium's PRC Pack 3.2 Alpha 1

The 16th of December was the fourth anniversary of the Player Resource Consortium, four years that we have been providing the NWN community with content and classes. We've gone from being Strat's Prestige Pack to the Prestige Class Consortium to the Player Resource Consortium, and all the time we have been committed to offering the best of an ever-expanding array of content. It's been a long time working on NWN, and we're exceedingly pleased that the community has always been there to support us, and of all the help and assistance they have offered over the years of PRC development. And so, in the tradition of our anniversaries, we have a little something in return.

We have for you tonight the first release of PRC 3.2, already featuring ten new classes, comprised of the Dragon Shaman base class, Diamond Dragon prestige class, Dragonheart Mage prestige class, Swift Wing prestige class, Dragon Devotee prestige class, Talon of Tiamat prestige class, Hand of the Winged Masters prestige class, Fist of Dal Quor prestige class, Shadow Mind prestige class, and the Pyrokineticist prestige class, and that's just the classes before we get the Tome of Battle squared away and ready for testing. There are also new powers, new feats, new skills, and other new features, all waiting for you to play with.

The release, by the end of development, will feature the entire Tome of Battle, as well as at least ten other classes, seven of which have been provided by DekaFox, the newest member of the PRC. Fox provided us with the Dragon expansion to the PRC, offering one new base class and six prestige classes for the dragon lover in all of us. We'd like everyone to welcome him into the PRC family, and may he have a long and productive career here. Also, see the second post of this announcement for a complete run-down of all of the classes he has provided. And, as usual with this, all bugs should be posted in the Beta Testing forum.

The next set of the release we have is a new and updated manual, featuring a completely redone PRC Installation Guide, altered menus, and a modified PRC Making Guide. Flaming Sword has spent much of the recent weeks tweaking and updating this, and we'd like to thank him for his effort. The new, updated manual should centralize the information for the PRC, and make it much easier to follow the installation process, as well as assisting all those who wish to use or tweak the PRC for their worlds or their own use.

Finally, we have one further announcement to make today: We will be hosting a PRC Open House Chat at the end of January to discuss our plans for the future, NWN2, our 3.2 release, as well as any other topic that is suggested between now and then. We're opening a thread in which anyone can post questions that they wish to have answered at the Open House Chat. I hope to see as many of you as possible there.

Finally, I'd like to apologize for the slight delay in getting the PRC Anniversary material up and in place. Unfortunately, I came home from a weekend skiing to a home with no internet and no electricity, as well as some wind and fallen tree damage, and that caused an appreciable delay in getting the PRC Anniversary material ready. And now for the all important part of this post:

Download the New Content

The New Classes:

Diamond Dragon - Are you a more combat-inclined psion? A Psychic warrior with a nice big power point pool? This class lets you spend some of those PPs to channels the powers of dragons themselves... dragon breath, a tailslap, or any of several other possibilities.

Dragonheart Mage - If there was ever a PrC specifically for Sorcerers, this is probably it. In return for sacrificing a spell slot, you can breathe fire of increasing potency, or maybe while casting you can send a wave of dragonfear through that monster closing in. The Draconic Heritage series of feats are the meat of the class, and you can choose whether you want light, dark, or any mix of the two.

Swift Wing - Ever play a cleric of Bahamut and wish there was some more concrete way of showing it beyond taking the Vassal PrC? Or perhaps a cleric of Tiamat, eager to show your queen's power? This class lets you show your inner dragon with features like positive energy breath, or immunity to your patron dragon type's energy type. And it works just as well for those not following a draconic god!

Talon of Tiamat - Tired of a bunch of Vassals of Bahamut running around slaughtering all those neat powerful chromatics? Wanting to play a holy draconic warrior who doesn't kowtow to a Paladin-like code? This class is focused mostly around gaining all the breaths of the Chromatics, with a touch of arcane spellcasting to boot, and serves the dark queen of the Chromatics. Neutral/Good characters need not apply.

Hand of the Winged Masters - Are you a rogue or scout type character with an interest in dragons? They may not be able to walk about in broad daylight or slink about at night, which is where you come in. With a few powers like the ability to turn your Skirmish and Sneak Attack damage into elemental damage, you can use all those skills you have to help dragon allies achieve their goals, whatever those may be.

Dragon Shaman - As an aura-based class, the utility of this class greatly increases in a party. It's similar to a draconic marshal, with the additions of a breath weapon like that of true dragons(and compatible with Metabreath feats if they get made), and a lay on hands type ability, which not only can heal damage but can cure poison, disease, or remove negative levels once you reach the right level. Its series of auras can grant anything from reduction, to fast healing, to an energy shield on any friendlies within its range. With the right feat, you can even run two different auras at once, making for double trouble for enemies.

Dragon Devotee - Ever eye the Dragon Disciple and wish you could get in without having to spend a valuable class slot on a spontaneous caster? Then this choice is for you. A 5 level class, this one gives stat boosts, draconic attacks, and you get access to a couple fighter bonus feats or the opportunity to increase your Sneak Attack or Skirmish ability!

Shadow Mind - Ever wished to play a stealthy Psion? Someone who can sneak into and out of even the most well-defended of places? Who can assassinate a creature with such skill that even after being resurrected it would barely know you were there? The Shadow Mind is for you, offering rogue-like stealth and precision damage, as well as access and improved use of the Cloud Mind powers, offering unparalled stealth and concealment.

Fist of Dal Quor - Been a rogue, but had trouble with those pesky Psions, messing about in your brain and forcing you to do their will? Wanted to pay them back, but not had the mental fortitude or control? Well, improve your mental conditioning and agility through the new, improved, Fist of Dal Quor, designed to solve all your Psion hunting needs in one easy five level package.

Pyrokineticist - Burn? Burn! Burn burn burn burn burn. Reading the mind of your average Pyro can be very dull, but for a true pyromaniac, nothing can be more exciting than learning how to make everything burn. Walk through fire, light on fire, launch fire, play with fire, the Pyrokineticist is accessorized with every conceivable toy for the discerning pyromaniac. Get yours now while the firesale is in full effect.

Взято от сюда.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
skirmirДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 13:00 | Сообщение # 49
Сумеречный Бард
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Открылся WitcherVault, посвященный Ведьмаку если кто не понял wink .

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
OranjДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 13:35 | Сообщение # 50
Группа: Создатель мира
Сообщений: 507
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skirmir, спасибо, с твоей новостью попозже разберусь smile

Патч 53 стал доступен через апдейтер, так что качаем

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Травиан - браузерная игра
OranjДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 13:44 | Сообщение # 51
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Сообщений: 507
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Nard, дай пожалуйста ссылку на страницу, где даны ссылки на патчи, что-то не могу найти ссылку на 1153 для оригинального НВН2

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NardДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 15:01 | Сообщение # 52
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OranjДата: Пятница, 21.12.2007, 17:51 | Сообщение # 53
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Сообщений: 507
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Nard, спасибо, странно что здесь нет,во-первых, искать удобно, во-вторых ссылки прямые.

Заработай деньги в интеренете вместе с UcoZ
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Травиан - браузерная игра
skirmirДата: Суббота, 22.12.2007, 12:28 | Сообщение # 54
Сумеречный Бард
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Сообщений: 595
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Блог Обсидиана обновился.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
skirmirДата: Четверг, 10.01.2008, 18:17 | Сообщение # 55
Сумеречный Бард
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Загляните ка - wink
Здесь можно посмотреть последние новости.

Кошки всегда приземляются на лапаы. Хлеб всегда падает маслом вниз. Подброшенная кошка с привязанным к спине хлебом будет парить в состоянии квантумной нерешительности.
OranjДата: Пятница, 11.01.2008, 01:27 | Сообщение # 56
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Жаль что только на ДВД, мало шансов что на русский переведут, а если и переведут, то качестве перевода будет оставлять желать лучшего.

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RaptorДата: Пятница, 11.01.2008, 13:50 | Сообщение # 57
Цепной пёс
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Не, я думаю не будут, проект не тянет на хороший бюджет.

You cannot kill what you did not create.
RaptorДата: Суббота, 12.01.2008, 17:15 | Сообщение # 58
Цепной пёс
Группа: Почетный Гражданин
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Две неплохие новости. Недавно выложены пара новых видео, демонстрирующих геймплэй грядущего пака на IGN.
Плюс к тому же, последнее обновление Community Blog.

You cannot kill what you did not create.
OranjДата: Суббота, 12.01.2008, 21:30 | Сообщение # 59
Группа: Создатель мира
Сообщений: 507
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Спасиб smile

Заработай деньги в интеренете вместе с UcoZ
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Травиан - браузерная игра
NardДата: Пятница, 01.02.2008, 23:48 | Сообщение # 60
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обновился блог

2 самых важных пункта в 1.12 - фиксы спеллов и фикс инвиза пока не сделали , хмм...


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